Thursday, November 8, 2012

An Average Post

I chose to research the word 'average' because it is a word that does not draw too much attention to itself. It is not flowery or overdramatic--rather, it is just...well, average.

The word 'average' is average looking and average sounding. It reflects its meaning almost perfectly. Average. We don't think about this word too often. It's not a word that we spend time on. We call upon 'average' and use it when we think something is regular, everyday, or even boring. 'Average' is a humble word, and that's why I chose it. This word chooses to attach itself to everyday, real-life things. It is not complicated or overbearing. Rather, it is simple, and just average.

Average is the day at school when nothing good happens, but nothing bad happens either. Average is a meal you swallow without tasting. Average is a night without nightmares or sweet dreams. Average is what you get when you add up a bunch of numbers, and then divide. Average.

I look forward to learning more about this word.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Nicolas Flamel: The Immortal Alchemist

Nicolas Flamel was a famous French scrivener, alchemist, philosopher, and manuscript-seller--but perhaps I should use the present tense is, because Flamel is rumored to be immortal and still alive today.

Many of us are familiar with Nicolas Flamel's name from reading J.K. Rowling's famous Harry Potter books. However, not as many of us are aware of the fact that Flamel actually did exist, and, just like in Rowling's books, he did attempt to create the Philosopher's Stone (or Sorcerer's Stone, to us Americans).

Flamel was a highly accomplished European alchemist who supposedly achieved the two main goals of alchemy: creating the Philosopher's Stone, which turns metals into gold and stone into gemstone,  and creating the Elixir of Life, which gives the drinker immortality.

If fable is indeed fact, Flamel and his wife, Perenelle, are alive and kicking even today. In fact, Flamel makes several appearances in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, Indiana Jones and the Philosopher's Stone, and even a manga series called Fullmetal Alchemist.